A Train Trip To Nanyuki

I have never had any interest in taking road trips or travelling to other counties. We moved around a lot when I was younger, so what I craved the most was to place my two number 7 feet firmly on the ground, develop long roots like the mugumo tree and settle in one place. Plus,…

The Struggle Is A Bit Too Real

Like an overfilled lake that threatened to burst its banks, the words fought to come out through my fingers. Words that I'd thought I'd forgotten, sentences that had faded in my mind were now piecing and stringing themselves together magically as if controlled by unseen fairies onto the keyboard on my phone. And just like…

I’m Not Racist; I Have A White Friend

For a country that felt the need to stroke up its fragile ego by taking over other people's land and killing or subjugating its inhabitants, it's a shocker to see so many of them with crooked teeth, mismatched outfits and dishevelled hair. I understand that much of my interaction with these snow-white creatures is from…

We Like What We Like

My man is not my man. No, not in the old school way that women have men/boyfriends. It's not like he didn't write his way into my heart with long paragraphs, or make countless daytime and late night calls that could make a cockatiel's cheek redder, or randomly get me thoughtful gifts. He did. But,…

Brands That I Love

What brands do you associate with? I am not one to be a walking logo, and I think it's tacky to mix and match different designer houses. Ah yes, I think it's fitting that I talk about fashion brands considering that I am a clothes merchant (check out my store Sahla Harie Luxurious Designs on…

3 Things I Could Do More

What could you do more of? 1. Write As if I have been practicing for the world typing championships for the last 2 months with these daily prompts. But, yeah I could write more. I'd given myself three months to write everyday to make up for the three years that I was gone. Yesterday marked…

Keep The Faith, It Always Gets Better

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? On one side of my bedroom, I've hung my bags from the nails protruding from the wall. Most of them are sling bags and handbags, and then there's the big backpack that holds all my academic transcripts and certificates. In between those is a letter that…

Adventure and Dance

What things give you energy? Last Saturday I cycled 40kms in a campaign that aimed to create awareness on the rising cases and reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in Kajiado county. It didn't matter that the last time I rode a bike was 5 years ago or that I developed what is known as…